IF YOU HAVE TIME, READ MORE… For lovers of famous printing errors, this is the best example of the Mexico Exporta series. Later, the printing shops printed the stamp on the side that did not have the gum, as it should be, and therefore the error is identified because the phosphorescence is on the face of the gum. It is popularly defined as “printing error”, but rather it should be called “paper manufacturing error”. The philatelic community in Mexico called it the bionic bicycle. Sc# = Scott number; Mc# Michel number; Et# etiangui number. The scaned item showed, is the one you will receive. The paper classification is made according to: watermark, normal or granite, luminescence on both sides, thickness and satin finish. The stamp classification add: denomination, color, perforation, burelage, and plate size. The paper 1 characteristics: medium thickness (85g/m2), w/o watermark, glossy, phosphorescent anverse, blue violet reverse. Period of emission: 1975 thru 1981. The number of stamps listed or classified are: Scott 153, Michel 170, TIEV 232, etiangui 326. (TIEV = innitials for Mexico official printing workshop).