SG 197ewi 1/2d Orange Vermilion K27 (3) Watermark Crown Inverted lower sheet marginal in Post Office fresh Unmounted Mint condition. A scarce and very tricky watermark variety and still baffling that there is but a 10% or so premium for this unmounted grade over mounted mint. It certainly doesn’t reflect the supply and demand equation that generally dictates pricing ratios that, on other QV Jubilee issues, sit generally in the double or treble range. Please take time to view my other listed lots or contact me with any specific requirements as, like many sellers, I have large quantities of unlisted stock in many areas generally well below normal retail. In particular I have large stocks of certified Edward VII shades and varieties with many scarcer and unlisted ones particularly keenly priced. I believe I offer some of the best prices available and will always fully and correctly identify lots to lead to significantly higher offers than many who just skim over and offer as basic stamps, shades or varieties often costing hundreds of pounds on individual lots alone. Please contact me if you think you have material that is similar and may be of interest.