1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print With Gold Medallion 50th Anniversary William Morris

1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print With Gold Medallion 50th Anniversary William Morris
1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print With Gold Medallion 50th Anniversary William Morris

1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print With Gold Medallion 50th Anniversary William Morris
This product is a 1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print with a gold medallion. It was created to celebrate the 50th anniversary of William Morris. The stamp is from the United States and features a duck as the topic. It is certified as a Federal Migratory Waterfowl Stamp and is of VG (Very Good) grade. The stamp is in mint never hinged (MNH) quality and has a gold color.
1984 Federal Duck Stamp Print With Gold Medallion 50th Anniversary William Morris

1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +

1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +
1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +
1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +

1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +
DUCK STAMP PRINTS FROM BROOKMAN STAMPS & M JAFFE DUCKS. Some items may have a slight appearance of fading from sun exposure. Frames may show some signs of wear that may require a little old english oil to mask blemishes. We have one of the largest stocks of Federal & State Duck Stamps with just about anything you want.
1985 Kentucky State Duck Stamp Print Mallards by Ray Harm Medallion Ed. +

1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed

1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed
1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed
1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed
1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed

1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed
This product is a framed print of the 1996 Federal Duck Stamp, featuring artwork by Ed Wilhelm Goebel and two stamps. The stamps are mint never hinged and signed by the artist. The print also includes a medallion and is framed. The product is related to stamp collecting and specifically to duck stamps. It was produced in the United States and is not certified.
1996 Federal Duck Stamp Print Medallion Ed Wilhelm Goebel 2 Stamp Signed Framed

1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions

1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions

1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions
1986 & 1999 Medallion Edition Washington Duck Stamp Prints – Artists Keith Warrick & Robert Steiner Mint in Folio & Certificate. 1986 Washington – First of State Gold Medallion Print Edition # 1,437/1,775 – Artist Signed Keith Warrick with one Stamp & Gold Medallion. 1999 Washington – First Gold Medallion Print Edition # 39/250 – Artist Signed Robert Steiner with two Stamps (One Artist Signed) & Gold Medallion.
1986 & 1999 Duck Stamp Prints Artists Steiner & Warrick Medallion Editions