A SAISIR : JE LIQUIDE UNE COLLECTION DE TIMBRES SELECTIONNES. TOUS LES TIMBRES VENDUS SONT GARANTIS AUTHENTIQUES SAUF MENTION CONTRAIRE. AUCUN RISQUE : TOUT TIMBRE NE CONVENANT PAS SERA ECHANGE OU REMBOURSE SANS DISCUSSION. SUR SIMPLE DEMANDE CETTE PIECE VOUS SERA LIVREE ACCOMPAGNEE D’ UN CERTIFICAT D’ AUTHENTICITE. DU NOUVEAU : VISITEZ MA BOUTIQUE, JE SUIS CERTAIN QUE VOUS Y RENCONTREREZ LES TIMBRES QUE VOUS RECHERCHEZ ET TOUJOURS AUX MEILLEURES CONDITIONS DU MARCHE, COMPAREZ ET JUGEZ!!!!!! The pictures take account of the description for the serration the margins and obliteration. A photographed lot will never be taken back for a problem of serration, seal of cancellation. For any errors about stamps numerotation in our description the picture is the only one and is the reference as just stamp number. For the description of our stamps we use the followings signs. SUPERB: Stamp of exceptional quality, over the normal. VF: Very fine: very nice stamp of superior quality and without fault. F/VF: Fine/Very fine: stamp of good quality but presenting a small defect (with a very little fault) practically not decreasing his value. FINE: Stamp of lower-quality presenting a light defect but of very nice aspect. FAULT: Defective, stamp presenting visible defects. MNH: Mint never hinged MH: Mint hinged. If a stamp noted without fault (so a stamp describes as SUPERB or VF). We’ll be pleased to answer you. In the event of dispute the French text is dominating and in the event of litigations only the court of the city of Grasse is qualified. The free listing tool.